Scars Specialist

SINY Dermatology
Dermatology & Dermatologic Cosmetic Surgeons located in Brooklyn, NY & West Village, New York, NY
Scars are a natural part of the healing process, but when they remain visible long after you’ve healed it’s not always easy or practical to cover them with makeup. The board-certified dermatologists at SINY® Dermatology on the Upper East Side of Manhattan in New York City are experts at treatments to minimize the appearance of scars. You don’t have to live with the unsightly appearance of scars indefinitely. We provide the full spectrum of medical, cosmetic, and laser dermatology at all six of our offices in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, Park Slope, Brooklyn, the West Village, and the Upper East Side in Manhattan, Forest Hills, Queens, and Southold on Long Island.
Scars Q & A
What causes scars?
When you damage both your skin and additional, deeper layers of tissue below the surface, you’re often left with scar tissue after your body repairs the damage. Scars are the result of a structural change in the deeper layers of skin, not just a change in the color of the epidermis, the outer layer of your skin.
What are the different types of scar tissue?
There are different types of scars, including:
Keloid scars
Keloid scars are hard lumps or growths that appear over the damaged area as a result of too much collagen production during the healing process. They are common in individuals with darker skin color.
Hypertrophic scars
Hypertrophic scars form as a result of acne, injury, or surgical procedures. They usually protrude from your skin and have a reddish appearance, and are also more common among people with darker skin tones.
Rolling scars
Typically associated with acne, rolling scars are wide and shallow in appearance.
Ice pick scars
Ice pick scars are also commonly caused by acne, but lie deeper within your skin.
Boxed scars
Boxed scars are sometimes the result of acne or an injury and have a flat base and sharp edges — a box-like appearance that gives them their name.
What types of scar treatments are available?
Different treatment methods work for different types of scars. Because ice pick scars are so deep, an in-office surgical repair is often the most effective treatment option. Boxed scars, rolling scars, hypertrophic scars, and keloid scars may all respond well to laser treatments. Additionally, injections composed of a diluted steroid solution can help to soften the hard, thickened tissue of hypertrophic scars and keloid scars.
Additional treatment methods may include:
- Topical products
- Dermabrasion
- Laser skin resurfacing
- Dermal fillers
- Microneedling
In many cases, the customized scar treatment plan your doctor at SINY® Dermatology develops will combine several different options of injections, laser therapy, and customized products that all work together to minimize the appearance of scar tissue. Regardless of which kind of scarring you have, the experts at SINY® Dermatology can effectively treat it so that it becomes less visible.
For more information or to book an appointment, call 800-778-3090 or visit
We provide the full spectrum of medical, cosmetic, and laser dermatology at all six of our offices in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, Park Slope, Brooklyn, the West Village, and the Upper East Side in Manhattan, Forest Hills, Queens, and Southold on Long Island.
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